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Words that Rhyme with fantail

1 Syllable Words

ail, ale, bail, baile, bale, balle, bayle, beyl, braille, cail, cale, calle, crail, dail, daile, dale, dayle, dralle, fail, faile, flail, frail, gael, gail, gaile, gale, galle, gayle, grail, hail, haile, hale, heyl, jail, kael, kail, kale, lail, mail, maile, maille, male, mayle, nail, naill, nale, pail, paille, pale, pralle, quail, quale, quayle, rael, rail, raile, rayl, rayle, reil, sail, sale, salle, sayle, scale, schmale, shale, smail, smale, snail, staehle, stale, tail, tale, they'll, trail, vail, vaile, vale, valle, veil, wail, wale, weyl, whale, yale, zale

2 Syllable Words

airedale, airmail, amell, ancell, arsdale, assail, avail, barksdale, barrell, bartell, blackmail, borrell, cadell, capell, cardell, carrell, cartmell, carvell, clinkscale, clydesdale, coattail, cocktail, conrail, correll, curtail, cutrale, derail, detail, dimsdale, dinsdale, doornail, dorrell, dovetail, downscale, drysdale, dugdale, email, entail, exhale, female, ferndale, folktale, foxtail, garrell, glendale, goodale, gorrell, greenmail, greenvale, guardrail, handrail, hemdale, hillsdale, hinsdale, hobnail, holmdale, horsetail, houdaille, inhale, jamail, jarrell, jerrell, kvale, langdale, lansdale, lavell, lawnsdale, levell, lonsdale, macphail, marcell, mcgrail, mchale, mcphail, mikael, mikhail, modell, mondale, montvale, mortell, nadell, northvale, oakdale, orrell, palmdale, parcell, perrell, plymale, podell, portell, presale, prevail, prunedale, quesnell, radell, rafale, ragsdale, resale, retail, revell, rodale, savell, scarsdale, scottsdale, springdale, stockdale, stocksdale, sumrell, surveil, teasdale, telltale, thumbnail, tirrell, today'll, toenail, tramell, travail, truesdale, udale, unveil, upscale, verrell, voicemail, whitetail, wholesale, withnail, zapmail, zerwhale

3 Syllable Words

abigail, allendale, anandale, annandale, avenell, averell, avondale, biennale, bloomingdale, cannondale, carbondale, coverdale, deverell, evendale, fairytale, farmingdale, farthingale, fingernail, governale, hallandale, irwindale, lauderdale, martingale, massengale, mcingvale, mcinvale, metromail, monorail, nathanael, ponytail, riverdale, robitaille, rosendale, silvernail, sunnyvale, uniondale, vanarsdale

4 Syllable Words

mccorkindale, mccorquodale

Definitions of fantail

n. A variety of the domestic pigeon, so called from the shape of the tail.

n. Any bird of the Australian genus Rhipidura, in which the tail is spread in the form of a fan during flight. They belong to the family of flycatchers.

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