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Words that Rhyme with confidante

1 Syllable Words

ant, aunt, bandt, brandt, brant, can't, cant, chant, dant, fant, gant, gantt, grandt, grant, jandt, kandt, kant, landt, lant, mandt, pant, plant, plante, quant, rant, sandt, sant, scant, schrandt, slant, stant, tant, trant, yant, zandt, zant

2 Syllable Words

decant, eggplant, enchant, gerbrandt, implant, incant, labant, levant, norplant, pylant, recant, rembrandt, replant, supplant, transplant, vansandt, vanzandt

3 Syllable Words


Definition of confidante

n. fem. One to whom secrets, especially those relating to affairs of love, are confided or intrusted; a confidential or bosom friend.

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